Replace Missing Teeth Nepean

Bringing Back Your Full & Gorgeous Grin

Senior dental patient looking at her smile in mirror after replacing missing teeth in Nepean

Feeling upset is normal when you’ve lost teeth, but you don’t need to live with that situation. Fisher Dental will gladly work with you to restore your smile to its former glory! On your end, you simply need to see us and we’ll replace your missing teeth in Nepean. Our dental office has several great tooth replacement options you can choose from. Please learn about them by reading below or by scheduling a visit today.


Why Choose Fisher Dental for Replacing Missing Teeth?

  • Dental Implant Placement Done Fully In-Office
  • Advanced Hardware Allows for Precise Treatment Planning
  • Dental Office With 3+ Decades of Experience


Dental Bridges

Illustrated dental bridge replacing a missing tooth

Dental bridges consist of two crowns fused to either side of a pontic (i.e., an artificial tooth). By relying on your nearby teeth or “abutments,” they can secure themselves to your mouth to fill rather large smile gaps. In fact, they’re able to replace up to four adjacent missing teeth at a time. Doing so enhances your grin’s looks, improves oral health, and boosts confidence levels. When given proper care, a dental bridge can maintain these effects for roughly ten years or more.


Hand holding a full upper denture

If you’ve lost several teeth all around your mouth, dentures would likely suit you well. Each of them is made of an acrylic resin base and porcelain tooth replacements. However, they come in two distinct types with varied effects: partial and full dentures. The partial kind only replace a few teeth at most and secure themselves with metal clasps. Meanwhile, full dentures replace an entire arch at once and rely on suction to remain stable.

Dental Implants

Illustrated dental implant replacing a missing tooth

For a more lasting replacement choice, you’d do well to consider dental implants. These restorations are small, titanium posts set in the empty sockets of your jaw. By slowly fusing with your jawbone, they become permanent parts of your mouth and replace your missing teeth. You can trust them to remain stable and secure over time and not slip or fall. Better yet, Dr. Bal ensures such results by performing the dental implant placement in-house.

Learn More About Dental Implants